University of Ljubljana

The Univerza v Ljubljani (University of Ljubljana - UL) is an institution with a very rich tradition. It was established in 1919 upon the tradition of semi-university institutions from 17th century. It remained the only Slovenian university until 1975. The university has its seat in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.

The Centre of International Relations (CIR) (Center za prouĨevanje mednarodnih odnosov – CMO) was established in 1981 as an independent institution, with no political or state affiliation. It forms an integral part of the research Institute of Social Sciences at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. In addition to conducting research as its most important activity, the CIR, headed by Professor Marjan SvetliĨiĨ, also carries out teaching and other assignments that fall within its fields of interest. CIR research is interdisciplinary. Its members include experts in International Relations, International Economic Relations, International Law, International Organisations, Theories of International Relations, Political Science, History, European Integration, International Business, and International Security. The CIR research projects and other activities are mainly financed by grants from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian Research Agency and from various international institutions and programmes. Recent CIR research projects have been funded by PHARE ACE, TEMPUS PHARE, and EU TSER. Since 2005, the CIR has been a partner in two networks of excellence (the sixth EU framework programmes), the GARNET (a Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: The Role of the EU) and the EU-CONSENT (a Network of excellence on Constructing a Europe Network: Wider Europe, Deeper Integration?). Within both networks, the CIR has co-ordinated one research area (a jointly executed research project on the EU and Eastern Europe within the GARNET, and a working group on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union within the EU-CONSENT; both research activities have been co-ordinated by Asst. Prof. Petra Roter, Ph.D.). Together with Palgrave, the CIR publishes the Journal of International Relations and Development, the official journal of the Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA).