ISIS, Sofia |
ISIS (Bulgaria) is listed among the 300 leading think-tanks world-wide in the 1999, 2002 and 2005 editions of the NIRA’s World Directory of Think Tanks, Tokyo, Japan; among the 500 leading strategic studies centres by the IISS, London in 1998. ISIS is not linked to any political party, movement, organisation, religious or ideological denomination and is part of the ISN, member of the Consortium of the Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes of the PfP countries, member of the Europe's World Journal Advisory Board In 2006 ISIS had 10 voluntary associates: 4 Senior Researchers/4 PhD holders, three PhD writers, 3 M.As.. The Wisconsin University awarded the website of ISIS in October 1999 with the Scout Banner of Most Recommended Website in the Social Sciences. ISIS is member of the non-governmental Coalition for Reform of the Security Sector in Bulgaria and of the Bulgarian University Network for Security Studies. After 1994 ISIS became the meeting point and generator of conceptual thinking for civilian and military experts on security. ISIS was a leading institution in carrying out the following international projects (in the PfP Consortium of defence academies and security studies institutes and other formats): 1) Civil-Military Relations in South East Europe: A Survey of the National Perspectives and of the Adaptation Process to the Partnership for Peace Standards (1999-2000) |