ISIS Europe is an independent research organisation that works to increase transparency, stimulate parliamentary engagement and broaden participation in EU and NATO policy-making. Through its publications and events, ISIS Europe facilitates parliamentary and inter-institutional dialogue and provides policy input to strengthen common approaches to conflict prevention, crisis management, peace building, arms control and disarmament.
ISIS Europe aims to support the development of a more comprehensive and integrated approach to the planning and deployment of civilian and military instruments in active crisis situations and for post-conflict reconstruction. Civil-military relations within the EU are examined as well as the institutional relationships between the EU and NATO, the OSCE and UN. ISIS Europe has a Responding to Conflict Programme, through which it has organized numerous roundtable discussions in the European Parliament and conferences in Brussels, and published many related articles in its regular publication European Security Review. ISIS Europe is a founding member of the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO), a network of 17 NGOs active in conflict prevention and peacebuilding and ISIS Europe’s conflict prevention work is often conducted within this collective framework.