List of Milestones (download)
Description of Milestones
M1 Meeting of the steering committee at month 1 (WP 1):
on the occasion of its first meeting, the steering committee is expected to elaborate three documents: the document on rules and procedures of the MULTIPART Consortium, the document on monitoring and evaluation procedures and the document on dissemination policy and communication strategy. These documents would represent the main achievements of the meeting and would guide any further activity in the MULTIPART framework. In addition, the members of the steering committee would be requested to agree on the major guidelines that would direct the research activities in WP 2 and WP 3. Suggestion and recommendation would be incorporated in the first synthesis report that would be shared among all the members of the Consortium.
M2 Internal workshop and training on methodology at month 8 (WP 2 WP 3):
the internal workshop and training on methodology would represent a milestone of the project since it would summarize and present the results of WP 2 and WP 3 and, at the same time, would transfer the methodological skills needed to researchers for the implementation of the activity in WP 4 and WP 5. At the end of the training the WP 2 and WP 3 coordinators would submit a synthesis report to the steering committee, along with the documents that would constitute the major outcomes of these WPs: the working paper on the research’s theoretical foundations and the working paper and training material on methodology. From the analysis of these outcomes the steering committee would re-orient the activities for the following work packages.
M3 Meeting of the steering committee at month 8 (WP 4):
at its second meeting the steering committee would analyse the synthesis reports elaborated by WP 2 and WP 3 coordinators and would provide additional indications for the advancement of research in WP 4 and WP 5. This second meeting would represent a crucial stage in the development of the research, since the theoretical inputs produced at the first stage of the project would be verified and applied into the thematic researches and the case studies. The major outcome of the meeting would be the synthesis report of the steering committee that would include suggestions and recommendations to be spread among the partners.
M4 Meeting of the steering committee at month 16 (WP 4 WP 5):
the third meeting of the steering committee would be held in the middle of the second stage of the project and would serve on the one side to evaluate the result of the first part of the thematic researches and on the other to consolidate the basis of the case studies. Starting from the intermediate reports of the WP 4 coordinators the steering committee would set the direction for further development of the research in a synthesis report that would constitute the major achievement of the meeting.
M5 Meeting of the steering committee at month 24 (WP 6 WP 7):
at the end of the core research the steering committee would receive the working papers produced as result of the thematic researches and the case studies, along with the synthesis reports of the WPs coordinators. At this point the steering committee would evaluate the results of the theoretical and core research and would set the guidelines for drafting the conclusions and the policy recommendations in a synthesis report that would be spread among the partners of the Consortium.
M6 Final conference at month 27 (WP 7):
the final conference would provide the occasion to present and evaluate the results of the research. In particular, on this occasion the book on multi-stakeholder partnership in post-conflict societies and the manual on the evaluation of multi-stakeholder partnerships would be presented.